7 Strategies to Curb Emotional Eating During Covid-19

7 Strategies to Curb Emotional Eating During Covid-19

It’s challenging – you’re working from home, possibly with a houseful of family members, the news of the virus is terrible and overwhelming, the economy is taking a big hit, and uncertainty about the future is palpable. Food offers a little solace, a respite from the awfulness of the world situation and a feeling of control. But relying on food as our primary source of comfort can lead to emotional eating, and emotional eating can set us up for negative consequences, whether guilt and self-criticism, or unwanted weight gain and possible self-harm.

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Five Signs that You May Be Enabling the Addict in Your Life

Five Signs that You May Be Enabling the Addict in Your Life

Is there an addict in your life? Has it occurred to you that you might be doing things that keep him or her from taking responsibility for their own disease? When we love someone who engages in addictive behaviors, whether abusing substances or acting in other ways that cause self-harm, we can lose sight of what is "normal' behavior (for them and for us).

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Internet Gaming: When Play Becomes a Drug

An Internet game can grip a child’s attention. Wrapped in the myth and mystery of an alternative existence, the individual crosses the threshold into a different world and his perception of reality becomes distorted. Gaming is one of the newest potentially addicting pastimes to hit the scene, and it is rife not just among teens, but also among younger kids and adults.

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How Can I Take Care of Myself When I’m So Busy Taking Care of Everyone Else?

When a child grows up with a parent who is depressed, alcoholic, ill, or prone to criticism, anger or rage, the youngster intuits that his survival and safety depend on his parent’s mood. In these situations, a child becomes attuned to the emotional state of the parent and learns to calibrate his behavior to fit his perception of what will soothe the parent or ease the situation.

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Summer Tips for Mothers of Daughters with Eating Disorders

Summer is the season of bathing suits, sundresses and shorts. It is the time for pool parties and barbecues. However, for anyone with an eating disorder (and unfortunately, for many others, because society indoctrinates us to criticize our shape and size), summer – with its norm of more revealing clothing and events that call for dressing accordingly – evokes dread, discomfort and despair.

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